Cultivate Your Happiness
By Elle Benson
Elle Benson authored and designed this workbook to help women deepen their sense of self-awareness during pregnancy – an incredible, yet brief, experience. She is a working mother with a passion for leadership and mindfulness.
It is intended to enable users to engage in activities that facilitate a more personally meaningful pregnancy. Via researched positive psychology tools (like gratitude development and mindfulness training) from UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, you’ll cultivate social and emotional well-being during your pregnancy to reduce stress on you, and on your baby. Additionally, these resources can be used postpartum to continue your well-being journey.
While completing all the activities in this workbook will maximize the benefits connected to happiness and a more mindful pregnancy – this is your book! Use it how you want. Read it front to back, do something you’re in the mood for in that moment, or focus on one of these individual themes at a time.
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Cultivate Your Happiness: Mama-To-Be workbook is intended for any expectant mother, first-timer or seasoned veteran of pregnancy.
The book includes reflection pages, journal prompts, guided meditations and activity to evoke joy.
Other pregnancy resources focus on creating physical things that are useful after your baby arrives. This workbook focuses on creating a better YOU during your pregnancy.
Researched positive psychology tools help mamas-to-be deepen their self-awareness, create their own self-care practice, and facilitate a more personally meaningful pregnancy. These behaviors carry over into life following pregnancy, and form a solid foundation for overall personal well-being.